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Pulse Survey Participation Rate

Discover how to measure participation rates for pulse surveys in Matter.

Sam Lepak avatar
Written by Sam Lepak
Updated over 3 months ago

Participation Rate is crucial for the reliability and validity of Pulse Surveys. While a simple calculation of the percentage of the people who complete the survey, this metric allows organizations to make informed decisions based on comprehensive and inclusive feedback.

Access Pulse Survey Metrics

  1. Open the Web App.

  2. Click Pulse Surveys in the navigation menu.

  3. Filter by Date Range and segment by Groups and Segments.

How Participation Rate is Calculated

The Participation Rate uses a rolling 30-day time window, which shows the score for all responses collected within the last 30 days.

Calculation: (Members Who Answered One or More Survey Questions in the Last 30 Days) / (Total Members)

Example: 100 people are sent a survey and 75 people answer at least one question in the survey in the last 30 days. Then the Participation Rate is 75%.

Participation Rate Score Range

Participation Rate is a score between 0 to 100%. An ideal participation rate is around 75%-80%. Here's how to interrupt your company's Participation Rate score.

Excellent! (75-100%)

Description: The majority of employees actively participated, indicating a strong engagement and interest in company feedback initiatives.

Good (55-74%)

Description: A considerable portion of the workforce engaged with the survey, reflecting a notable level of involvement and awareness.

Moderate (35-54%)

Description: An average level of participation suggests room for promoting the survey's importance and boosting engagement in future initiatives.

Low (0-34%)

Description: Limited engagement from the workforce indicates potential barriers or a lack of awareness about the survey, necessitating further examination and action.

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