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Enabling notifications on Microsoft Teams

Running into issues getting Matter notifications in Teams? This guide is for you &/or your IT Admin.

Brett Hellman avatar
Written by Brett Hellman
Updated over 3 months ago

Common issues preventing Matter notifications from working in Teams

#1 Azure Portal Configuration

In your Azure Portal, IT/Admin access required, make sure the following option is selected "Allow group owner consent for all group Owners".

Admins can manage this setting in the Azure portal: direct link

#2 Team Application Settings

You will also want to make sure notifications have not been disabled for your Teams desktop application. To find your notification settings, click click the three dots “…” or ellipses at the top of the Teams Desktop app and click "Settings".

In the settings view, click "Notifications and activity" in the left navigation bar. On this view, make sure you do not have any "Chats and channels" notifications disabled. Your settings should look like the image below to ensure Matter notifications work properly.

#3 Channel Notifications

Next to your Matter channel, click the three dots “…” or ellipses to find the "Channel notifications" settings. Make sure the settings are set to your preferences.

#4 Matter Bot Conversation Ability

Make sure you or someone on your team has not accidentally blocked Matter from messaging you.

Navigate to the "Chat" tab, find Matter, and click the three dots “…” or ellipses to open the menu. To be set up to correctly use Matter, you should see "Block bot conversation," which means Matter has not been blocked. If you see "Unblock bot conversation", that's bad and means Matter is being blocked on Teams. Click "Unblock bot conversation" to unblock Matter.

This is Good (Matter is not blocked)

This is Bad (Matter is blocked)

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