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How to uninstall Matter from Slack

Learn how to remove, delete, or uninstall Matter from your Slack workspace.

Sam Lepak avatar
Written by Sam Lepak
Updated over 3 weeks ago

When you install Matter to a Slack channel, Matter automatically creates a Web App workspace that is connected to your Slack channel. Pending if you want to keep the channel, this will affect the proper way to delete/remove Matter.

Option 1: Delete Matter, And Delete Channel

  1. Click "βŒ„" next to the desired Channel.

  2. Go to the Settings tab.

  3. Click Delete this channel.

    1. Note: Only Workspace Owners/Admins can delete a channel (Slack Documentation).

Option 2: Delete Matter, But Keep Channel

  1. Go to the Web App.

  2. Go to Channel Settings > General.

  3. Scroll to the bottom and click Delete Channel.

    1. Note: This option will only be available to Channel Owners (who created the Matter workspace).

  4. You'll receive an email with a link and brief instructions to delete the channel. Follow those instructions and Matter will be deleted.

Need help to uninstall or cancel Matter? Contact us at [email protected]

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