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Control who can add Matter to Slack and Microsoft Teams channels (Enterprise Grid)
Control who can add Matter to Slack and Microsoft Teams channels (Enterprise Grid)

Learn how to prevent users from adding Matter to new Slack and Microsoft Teams channels within your Enterprise Grid workspace.

Sam Lepak avatar
Written by Sam Lepak
Updated over a week ago

Once Matter is an approved app within your Slack workspace or Microsoft Teams tenant, there isn't a direct ability to restrict who can add Matter to a new channel. This can subsequently cause unwanted activity and impact billing.

To prevent this from happening, you can control who can create new Matter channels. By default, everyone can create new Matter channels, but you can change this to Admins Only or No Members.

Note: This setting is only available for Matter Enterprise Grid workspaces.

Edit Channel Creation Permissions:

  1. Open the Web App.

  2. Go to Channel Settings, then the General section.

  3. Scroll down to the section Channel Creation Permissions.

  4. Select the appropriate permission type:

    1. All Members

    2. Admins Only

    3. No Members

  5. Click the Save button to confirm changes.

Message to Non-Authorized User Who Tries to Install Matter

If a non-authorized user tries installing Matter in a new channel, they will receive the following error message.

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