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How to transfer Matter to a new Teams channel
How to transfer Matter to a new Teams channel

Transfer your Matter install to a new Teams channel with a few simple steps

Brett Hellman avatar
Written by Brett Hellman
Updated over a week ago

You can transfer Matter to another channel within the same team on Teams. However, you cannot transfer Matter to a channel in a different team.

To transfer Matter to a new channel on the same team, you'll first need to identify two key things:

  • Source Channel: This is the channel where Matter is currently installed.

  • Destination Channel: This is the channel to which you want to transfer your existing Matter installation. The destination channel needs to exist before starting the transfer process.

Once you've identified your source channel and created your destination channel, follow these simple steps.

Channel Transfer Process

1. Go to the destination channel and type @Matter transfer.

2. Click the Start Channel Transfer button.

3. Confirm your existing Matter channel (aka source) and click the Transfer button.

The transfer has been completed! To confirm everything worked as expected, send a kudos in the destination channel. If the transfer was successful, you'll see the kudos appear in the destination channel.

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