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How to generate Microsoft Teams logs for troubleshooting
How to generate Microsoft Teams logs for troubleshooting

Microsoft will often ask for client log files to help them diagnose bugs with Teams. Here's how to collect your Teams client log files.

Brett Hellman avatar
Written by Brett Hellman
Updated over a week ago

Microsoft will often ask for client log files to help them diagnose bugs with Teams. Here's how to collect your Teams client log files.

  1. Open Microsoft Teams Application Client.

  2. Generate a log file using the shortcut for your OS (see below).

    • Windows 10: Ctrl + Alt + Shift + 1

    • macOS: Option + Command + Shift+1

  3. The file will be saved to the Downloads folder and you will see a desktop notification for it.

Your log files contain diagnostic data and no messaging or sensitive information.

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